The Equity Compass is a framework that helps you to reflect on your current practice and develop equitable practice. It comprises eight dimensions of equity, each designed to apply a different lens to improve equitable experiences.
Below you will find:
A summary of how to use the Equity Compass
Versions of the Equity Compass for teachers, school leaders and governors, STEM Ambassadors
Additional resources (e.g., a worksheet)
Video resources
Join our free, self-paced online course Equity in Informal STEM Learning: Using the Equity Compass on Future Learn to learn how this framework can support your practice!
Text version of the Equity Compass
The Equity Compass” graphic shows eight dimensions of equity, grouped into four overarching areas represented by signs that sit outside the main circle as four points of the compass.
The eight dimensions of equity are written in the outer layer, indicating strong equitable practice. The inner layer indicates inequitable or weak practice.
The “Challenging the status quo” area includes three dimensions of equity: “prioritising minoritised communities” (with inner layer “prioritising the dominant”), “transforming power relations” (with inner layer “reproducing power”), and “redistributing resources” (with inner layer “reinforcing privilege”).
The “Working with and valuing minoritised communities” area includes two dimensions of equity: “participatory working – with” (with inner layer “to”) and “asset-based approach” (with inner layer “deficit-based”).
The “Embedding equity” area includes one dimension of equity: “equity is mainstreamed” (with inner layer “tokenistic”).
The “Extending Equity” area includes two dimensions of equity: “community/society orientation” (with inner layer “individual”) and “long term” (with inner layer “short term”).
Equity Compass for informal STEM learning

Beyond informal STEM learning

Additional resources
Video resources
Informal STEM learning practitioners reflect on how the Equity Compass has been useful in their practice
YESTEM x Stemettes: Supporting girls and non-binary young people in STEM by challenging the status quo
YESTEM x We The Curious: Becoming a more participatory science centre
YESTEM x Knowle West Media Centre: Embedding equity throughout the organisation
YESTEM x Hanwell Zoo: Working with youth to extend equity in a zoo